An Insight a Day

No Often Means They Don’t Know

This is something I've learned a while ago from Zig Ziglar's Secrets of Closing the Sale. Most people will instinctively say 'no,' especially when you're trying to sell them something. And once they've said 'no,' it can be very difficult for them to voluntarily change their mind, even if they want to, because doing so would mean admitting they were wrong. So what can you do? Give them an excuse to change their mind, they will be delighted to make a new decision based on new information.

No, the prospect won’t change his mind, but he will be delighted to make a new decision, based on new information. Example: “Why didn’t you tell me the property was outside the city limits and I won’t have to pay city taxes?” He’s in the process of making a new decision based on new information. “Why didn’t you tell me we could print on both sides of the paper? Even though it’s a little more expensive per sheet, it saves us money because we double the usage.” He’s making a new decision based on new information. “You should have explained that this model comes with ‘four on the floor.’ My teenager would not want any other model.” He’s making that new decision based on new information. Since prospects will make new decisions based on new information, the sales process demands that you try for the close as soon as you have established value or aroused desire for ownership, but before you give all the information.

If you wait until you’ve given all the information before you try to close, that would be an even more serious mistake. Some prospects automatically say no on the first attempt to close so that they won’t feel they were “easy”—and that they didn’t carefully investigate before they bought. More importantly, they fear they will look foolish if they make a fast decision which turns out to be wrong. Many times these prospects who initially say no are actually saying, “Tell me more. Give me more information. Make me feel secure that a yes decision is the right decision. In short, make it easier for me to buy.” Your job as a salesperson is to do exactly that—make it easier for the prospect to buy.

Zig Ziglar