An Insight a Day

How to Beat Depression

A funny thing happens when you stay in silence for too long. Your mind wanders off and you start thinking about life. You know, stuff from the past, old regrets, and the things you wish you would’ve done differently.

As you reflect on your life thus far, you feel yourself calming down, both in mind and body. It’s almost like falling into depression, as if nothing matters anymore. All your present worries and struggles just seem to disappear when you think about the past. I mean, why wouldn’t they? Nothing really matters anymore, not when all hope is lost. If you could just go back in time and fix all your mistakes, you wouldn’t be in this mess right now, or so you tell yourself.

And just like how you’re looking back at your past with regret, future you will do the same a few years down the line. Think about it, won’t all your current worries and struggles be nothing more than a passing memory for your future self? You know, stuff from the past, old regrets, and the things you wish you would’ve done differently.

As you anticipate your future self reflecting back on your current self, you feel yourself opening up with possibility. The future hasn’t happened yet, you can still change things before it’s too late. Or if it’s already too late, you can start recovering from it now and not regret not doing anything. I mean, from your future self’s perspective, you are back in time! You can fix everything so that future you won’t be in that unhappy mess anymore. Think about it, you can make future you happy and fix their depression! Aren’t you excited?